Inagina agency project
When we worked in the agency Imagina, Convergencia together with the Mustakis Foundation, he made another request, this time to allow people to live the culture of Ancient Egypt, an experience that he had to live inside the Palacio La Moneda Cultural Center
In order to generate an experience that would allow users to explore and learn about the Egyptian culture, we requested the collaboration of Samsung, a brand that contributed to this challenge the Gear VR and the S6 Edge. After having the VR technology, a story was created that would allow users to travel in time through virtual reality.

To create the story that would allow users to know more about the Egyptian culture, an arduous investigation was carried out, with which it was concluded that in order to better understand this culture, six relevant points should be dealt with: death, mythology, politics , religion, science and technology, under this structure work began. A trip was generated in a boat, which went through 6 different scenarios, with 5 cities, where users could experience the feeling of traveling the Nile River in first person.
The highlight of this experience is that it was different depending on each user, since the trip and the interaction with the different scenarios created was supported by the need for users to investigate and discover, leaving in the hands of each one the learning final; thus generating a unique experience.
The final installation was visited by more than 81,000 people during the 4 months he was in the museum.

Photography by: Andrés Mejias
JAVIER GARAY / Co-Direction: Creative and Technology / Art Director / Producer / 3D Modeling / Developer
PAOLA G. OLEA / Co-Direction: Creative and Technology / Creative Developer / Producer
RAFAEL O’RYAN / 3D Modeling and Animation
PABLO RETAMAL / 3D Animation
JEFF IBACACHE / Audio producer
LIZ HIDALGO / Locution